Louis Poulsen 隆重推出室外照明系列新成员:LP Capsule,该匠心之作由该品牌与建筑公司 Henning Larsen 的 Carsten Fischer 联合设计。现代化的 LED 设计注重增强都市氛围和人们在城市的体验,散发出 Louis Poulsen 产品自带的宜人氛围光感,并拉高了公园、小径和广场的照明水准。
在为城市空间选择照明时,建筑师、市政机关和电工必须遵守各项要求,满足各方期望。灯光要能给人以安全感,在坚固耐用的同时呈现出宜人的美感。同时,在照明方面还必须高效直接,能够充分利用 LED 技术的潜力。
LP Capsule 灯柱顶端环绕 LED 光源,能够充分满足以上要求,它以独特的直射光照亮灯具下方的区域以及灯具本身。“灯具的作用不仅仅是要照亮路面或是广场。”Carsten Fischer 表示,“它还需要照亮自己,化为一种温馨宜人的元素,让灯具无论处于何种状态,都能为城市环境增添一道风景。” LP Capsule 的柔和亮度实现了光线与黑暗环境的自然过渡,在城市环境中营造出理想的氛围。
2015 年,Louis Poulsen 与 Henning Larsen 展开合作,其愿景是将优质 LED 技术与 Louis Poulsen 以人为本的核心相结合,打造一款光线柔和的柱顶灯。这次成功的合作源于双方志同道合的热忱,即创造雅致、有氛围的空间,让人可以从中汲取养分,这样的重心也体现在 Louis Poulsen 与其他设计师的众多合作中,包括与建筑师 Poul Henningsen、Christian Flidt 和 Mads Odgård 的合作,他们的工作也远远超出了设计范畴,仔细考量了灯具的使用方式以及对空间有何作用。
“Louis Poulsen 在光线和功能方面的价值观与我们工作室的设计方法非常契合。”Carsten Fischer 在谈到此次合作时表示,“这是一次非凡的经历,我们与 Louis Poulsen 才华横溢的工程师和照明技术人员通力合作,集思广益,他们从内心深处尊重设计,通过这次合作,我们在诸多方面的设计都有所提升。”例如精细调整两个灯罩之间的连接。在开发过程中,灯罩的表面采用倾斜设计,不仅提升了灯具的外观,而且还能更好地反射灯具的光线。”
Rasmus Markholt, Director of Creative and Design at Louis Poulsen, adds: "We have a lot in common the way we think about light, function and design. We all advocate design from the inside out, starting with light and function, and then working towards design. In addition, LP Capsule clearly interprets the aesthetic resonance of both sides, its simple and clear lines, unique shape, all of which reveal our affection. "I think with the new LED luminaires with high intensity direct light, we are continuing the brand's lighting philosophy of comfortable and friendly lighting." Markholt adds, "With the illuminated light head, we created a 'lighthouse effect' for light, helping people see the direction of the road and safely guide them through an area instead of downward light that would normally only be seen up close." ”
Integrated design elements
Another key feature of LP Capsule is the effective integration of various design elements. Many luminaires that emit downward light are essentially a light box connected to a lamppost. When designing the LP Capsule, the design team spent a lot of time exploring how to mount the lamp head in an elegant way so that it blends in with the lamp post, rather than just on it. As we can see from top to bottom, the lamp consists of two circles, a large circular lamp and a small circular lamppost, the tangents of the two circles are connected to form a simple and harmonious geometric appearance.
The basic idea of the luminaire is to create a cylindrical capsule with the light source inside a cylinder, which in turn is located inside a larger milky white cylinder. This is the source of direct light that diverges downward, but by creating distances between cylinders inside and outside, luminaires can release excess light in the gaps. It then bounces back, illuminating the outer cylinder, creating a halo that surrounds the light source in the middle. This reduces harsh light and allows the light to blend slowly with the surrounding environment without being obtrusive.
With downward light, deep glow and soft exterior, LP Capsule perfectly interprets the Nordic design tradition and Scandinavian style, illuminating our urban spaces with small, sophisticated shapes. Scandinavian squares and buildings tend to be less illuminated than in other parts of the world, and the area tends to light up the night with the lights of thousands of homes. This change in brightness and the interaction of darkness and light on the surface enrich the urban experience and bring about a sense of novelty.
LP Capsule will be available in September 2017.
Product information and specifications
Designed by Carsten Fischer/Henning Larsen
Year: 2017
Light distribution: 1 circular symmetry, 1 asymmetric
Lumen output: 1500lm, 3000lm
Color temperature: 3000K, 4000K
Luminous efficiency: the minimum efficiency outside the lamp is 100lm/W
CRI: Minimum 80
Color: Aluminum
About Henning Larsen
Henning Larsen is the world's leading architectural firm, in keeping with the Scandinavian architectural tradition, as a combination of aesthetics, sociology and intelligence. Based on our strong belief in knowledge, vision, inspiration and traditional reflection, the company collaborates to develop architectural concepts and solutions that help people improve their daily lives and meet the challenges of the future.
Founded in 1959 by architect Henning Larsen, the firm still bears his name and pride today, and today Henning Larsen has grown into an international community of architects and designers working together to promote the Nordic architectural spirit around the world. Headquartered in Copenhagen, Henning Larsen manages international operations and operates locally through offices around the world.
Henning Larsen challenges, shapes and transforms the physical environment – from cities, urban spaces and buildings to interior design and components – with the ambition to create advanced design solutions. In the world of work defined by people, daylight and space, Henning Larsen's overarching design principles are people-centric, with a focus on environmentally friendly, integrated, energy-efficient solutions and a high sense of social responsibility, not only in terms of materials and production, but also in creating ideal social and community-creating spaces.
About Louis Poulsen
Danish luminaire manufacturer Louis Poulsen was founded in 1874 with a product philosophy that values design and light. Every detail in the design has a specific purpose. The concept of focusing on light permeates every design. Louis Poulsen offers a range of lighting products for the commercial and domestic lighting markets, offering luminaires and solutions for indoor and outdoor applications. Through partnerships with Poul Henningsen, Arne Jacobsen, Verner Panton, Øivind Slaatto, Alfred Homann, Oki Sato and GamFratesi Working closely with designers and architects, Louis Poulsen has become one of the world's leading suppliers of architectural and decorative lighting, with a worldwide presence and dedicated showrooms in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Miami, Oslo, Los America, Tokyo and Düsseldorf.
For more information, visit www.louispoulsen.com
For more information, please contact:
Sarah Lærke Stevens, Group Communications Manager, sls@louispoulsen.dk, tel: (+45) 4123 7903
Press release, October 2017