
Aluminium is a precious metal, that has a metallic grey colour. Many of Louis Poulsen’s lamps are made using aluminium with many different finishes, such as, raw aluminium, stained aluminium and painted aluminium, to establish precisely which finish your lamp has, you can check the product information leaflet or find your specific product page on the website. Most of our aluminium finishes are treated with an oil coating, as such we recommend that you wear fabric gloves when handling the surface.

Care instructions 


Caring for the aluminium elements on your lamp, is simple. Ensure that you use a soft, microfibre cloth for general day-to-day cleaning. Additionally, you can polish the surface using a material-specific product to keep it looking it’s best. When handling aluminium elements we recommend that you wear fabric gloves.   

Please note: PH 5 Retake is a raw aluminium product, which is treated with a dry oil to prevent patination, which we recommend that you do every so often, to maintain the raw metallic appearance. Additionally, the undershade made of steel should be checked every so often and treated to prevent corrosion.